Monday, March 17, 2014

Balotelli: Soccer's Bad Boy?

Mario Balotelli is a rock star. Fast cars, a supermodel on each arm, and more than enough money for 5 lifetimes. He lives his life like no one is watching, but the press have made it clear that they have. They see him as a bad boy, which is great for selling papers. Balotelli's name in a headline is usually followed with a negative article about the Italian. 

Partying a few days after the EURO Cup final
Every wild celebrity has list of sensational stunts, but Mario's would make Keith Richards' jaw drop; starting a sword fight in a restaurant, trespassing at an all women's prison, setting his house on fire while playing with fireworks, throwing darts at youth players, and having his Maserati impounded 27 times. And that's just the most interesting stuff (more here). Young Mario seems out of control.

The future of Italian soccer
However, Balotelli also has many examples of being a reputable person; sharing £1,000 of a night's casino winnings with a homeless man, offering to pay the fees for all overdue books at a Manchester University library, and meeting with a school's headmaster to discuss a young fan's bully problems. Now that seems like a guy with a good head on his shoulders.

Young, gifted, and making millions
So, which is the real Mario Balotelli? Truth is, they both are. Mario is just an impulsive young man with too much money and even more scrutiny. His impetuous behavior and an overabundance of money lead to a shopping spree where he bought a giant trampoline, an expensive set of RC cars, two Vespa scooters, and a pingpong table. But Mario's character and wealth has also lead to him dress in a Santa Suit and passing out £20 bills to strangers on the street.

That's a good question Mario
Balotelli is by no means the only player behaving recklessly, so what's with all the haters?

The first, and most obvious, explanation is his skin color. But, come on, that's not the real reason.  It's true that soccer has been plagued with racism, but that sickness is mainly quarantined in eastern Europe. Black soccer players such as Ashley Cole, Didier Drogba, Michael Essien, Thierry Henry, Vincent Kompany, Nani, and Yaya Touré were/are fan favorites of English supporters. Besides, Mario was supported by the press for saying, "If someone throws a banana at me in the street, I will go to prison because I will kill him."

Maybe it's his on field performance? Although there is a lot of debate over the skill-level of Mario, no one doubts that he has raw talent People complain about his hot-headed temperament  his work-rate, and attitude. But when he shows up to play, he delivers. And if he is able to completely shake these demons, he'll be one of the world's most lethal strikers. 

So, why is Mario normally portrayed as a two dimensional wild boyJealousy? Wanting to sell papers? 

The press needs to understand that we are not able to tame this guy and all this criticism does little to help him mature. Mr. Balotelli is only 22 and will grow to become more responsible, on his own.

In short, let him buy fast cars, let him swim with sharks, let him be who he is. He isn't hurting anybody and is staying true to himself.     

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